Tham khảo Thuyết_tương_đối_văn_hóa

  1. Franz Boas 1887 "Museums of Ethnology and their classification" Science 9: 589
  2. "cultural, adj. and n.", OED Online, Sept 2009, Oxford University Press,, citing Locke's article "The Concept of Race as Applied to Social Culture", Howard Review 1 (1924): pp. 290-299.
  3. Glazer, Mark (ngày 16 tháng 12 năm 1994). “Cultural Relativism”. Texas: University of Texas-Pan American. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 6 năm 2007.
  4. 1 2 George Marcus and Michael M.J. Fischer 1986 Anthropology as Cultural Critique: The Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences Chicago: University of Chicago Press. page 1
  5. Franz Boas 1963 [1911] The Mind of Primitive Man New York: Collier Books. page 149
  6. Franz Boas 1889 "On Alternating Sounds," American Anthropologist 2:47-53
  7. Heyer, Virginia 1948 "In Reply to Elgin Williams" in American Anthropologist 50(1) 163-166
  8. 1 2 Boas, Franz 1974 [1887] "The Principles of Ethnological Classification," in A Franz Boas reader ed. by George W. Stocking Jr. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-06243-0. page 62,62
  9. Boas, Franz 1887 "Museums of Ethnology and their Classification," in Science 9: 587-589.
  10. Kroeber, Alfred (1948) "Anthropology" p. 11. Harcourt and Brace, New York.
  11. Ruth Benedict 1959 [1934] Patterns of Culture Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, page 3
  12. Cook, John 1978 "Cultural Relativism as an Ethnocentric Notion," in The Philosophy of Society
  13. 1 2 Kluckhohn, Clyde 1944 Mirror For Man
  15. Executive Board, American Anthropological Association 1947 "Statement on Human Rights" in American Anthropologist 49(4) 539-543
  16. Steward, Julian 1948 "Comments on the Statement of Human Rights" in American Anthropologist 50(2) 351-352
  17. Barnett, H.G. "On Science and Human Rights" in American Anthropologist 50(2) 352-355. June 1948.
  18. Renteln, Alison 1988 "Relativism and the Search for Human Rights" in American Anthropologist 90(1) 56-72
  19. Frankena, William 1973 Ethics
  20. Schmidt, Paul 1955 "Some Criticisms of Cultural Relativism" in Journal of Philosophy 52: 780-791
  21. Hartung, Frank 1954 '"Cultural Relativity and Moral Judgements" in Philosophy of Science 21: 11-125
  22. Stanley Diamond 2004 [1974] In Search of the Primitive New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers page 110
  23. Stocking, George W. Jr. 1982 "Afterward: A View from the Center" in Ethnos 47: 172-286
  24. Geertz, Clifford 1984 "Anti-Anti-Relativism" in American Anthropologist86 (2) 263-278.
  25. Kroeber, Alfred 1949 "An Authoritarian Panacea" in American Anthropologist 51(2) 318-320
  26. Roger Lloret Blackburn, Cultural Relativism in the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council, ICIP Working Papers 2011/3, Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, Barcelona, September 2011,